Incoterms 2020
Incoterms 2020
Wednesday, April 17, 2024 (9:00 AM - 11:00 AM) (MDT)
International Commercial Terms, better known as Incoterms®️, are the three most important letters in any international sales contract. Before you can understand export or import documentation and compliance, you must understand the basics of Incoterms®️. Incoterms®️ determine which party is responsible for costs if a shipment is damaged in transit. This updated training, offered by the regional expert in Incoterms®️, gives you an in-depth look into the eleven different rules.
Recommended For:
All exporters, importers, international sales personnel, purchasing managers, forwarders, customs brokers, carriers, credit professionals, insurers, trade consultants, international bankers, and lawyers.
James Ferry, Canadian Solar
James has a wide variety of business experience, both in international trade and otherwise. He worked for a Licensed Customs Broker for many years before moving to MolsonCoors. At MolsonCoors, James was the Trade Compliance Manager, overseeing the import and export compliance functions of the large global business. James is currently a Trade Compliance Manager at Canadian Solar working on a global projects team.
Training Hours:
This training counts for 4 hours towards the Certificate in International Trade.
WTC Denver Members If you are interested in attending this event using one of your membership's free training credits, please contact your account executive or email institute@wtcdenver.org. **The registration fee is nonrefundable within 7 days prior to the training. Participant substitutions can take place at any time.**
Nonmember Price: $300
Member Price: $150
The link will be sent 24 hours in advance.
Mountain Time